Suffolk Family History Society Ipswich Group

THE next Suffolk Family History Society Ipswich Group talk will take place on Thursday 22nd November at 7.15pm.  Roy Tricker, known for his love and appreciation of Suffolk Churches and what is inside them presents “The Fun and Fascination of Churches” at the Co-op Education Centre, 11 Fore Street, Ipswich, IP4 1JW (Car park Waterworks St, IP4 1JG).  £2 members, non-members warmly welcomed £2.50  – you can join the Society at the meeting if you wish.Tickets are not required – just turn up and pay at the door.

For more information contact Howard on 01473 274300 or email@ 
New Family History Researchers (including non-members) are welcomed to this event – can we help you with your researches? 
For more information on this event, and about the Group. Call Howard on 01473 274300 Tel:01473 274300.