THE film evening starts by showing a Trailer followed by the feature film: “ Another Mother’s Son” starring Jenny Seagrove (Drama based on a true story) on Friday 17th November at Alburgh Village Hall, Low Road, Alburgh.
Doors open at 6pm, Bar open 6.30pm and film starts at 7.30pm. Ices are available during the interval. Adults £4, children (U16) £2. BBFC PG.
Sorry there will be no more fish & chips as Nicola and Karen have retired BUT Scampi/Pie and chips can be bought and eaten in the hall from 6pm prior to the film. Please order in advance if possible by contacting Julie on 01986 788934.
(www.alburgh.org.uk or 01986 788477).
Further date showing: Thursday 21st December. Children’s Film – TBA.