Greener Fram

OUR Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 28th October, 9.30am at the FAYAP Centre, Thomas Mills High School. All welcome. We will be listening to any ideas attendees and volunteers have for the future of Greener Fram and this is also an opportunity for anyone wishing to help to get involved. At 10.30am we will be welcoming Professor John Midwinter who will be giving a talk on ‘Sustainable Living-Idle Dream or Urgent Necessity?’
Food Share – Up and Running!  Reducing Food Waste. Feeding The Community.  We have joined forces with the food waste charity ‘Fareshare’ to be able to offer the community access to food thats far too good to be chucked in the bin! We will have a free food shop running from our September Swap and Mend on Saturday 23rd September and again on Sunday 24th September, 10am-11am at the Unitarian Meeting Room, Framlingham. The food share is open to anyone on a first come first serve basis but if you or someone you know is ‘in need’ let us know by simply saying “I need a food share” and we will put some food aside for you each week.
Does your business create food waste or want to help? We would LOVE to hear from you!
Mend Shed.  After the huge success in other countries and nearby towns, we are on the hunt for space to start a “mending shed”.  A place where volunteers from the community can come lend a hand at fixing or get their items fixed. We want to bring people together, saving landfills and your money! 
Do you have a shed, garage, outhouse, barn… Anything you think might house us. Can you find somewhere for this project to live and donate it to greener Fram? Even short-term would be useful to launch this project. 
If you want to volunteer, fix things or teach others your skills please get in touch, just email us
Join Fram LETS.  The local exchange and trade scheme for Framlingham and surround. Residents, shops and businesses can join. We use Framlings instead of £’s. Keep it local, keep it helpful. Website:
Swap and Mends for 2017: September 23rd, November 11th and December 9th.