Martlesham Brass ‘Making Music Fun in East Anglia’
Our Main Band will be performing at Maritime Woodbridge on Saturday 9th September, starting at 12noon – please come along & support them.
Everyone will be very welcome at our 21st Birthday Concert on Saturday 30th September at St Michael’s Church Centre, Martlesham Heath starting at 7pm. Tickets £3.50 (primary school children free) from our website www.martleshambrass.co.uk, 2nd Stop Charity Shop (next to Kesgrave Tesco) or 07544 962205. All our bands from the Beginners to the Main Band will be performing, and the concert will include the Bandleaders’ awards to players who have improved the most over the year. Please come along and help us celebrate. There will be a raffle and refreshments (Birthday Cake!) available during the interval.
We would love to hear from new players, young and old, with or without experience. Our aim is to encourage anyone who feels they would like to play in a brass band to come and have a go! If you would like to join us, or if you already play or have previously played a brass instrument and would like to come along and meet us, please contact us via the website or use the contact details below.