White Bridge to be replaced at last
We’re very happy to be able to pass on the news from Suffolk County Council that contractors are lining up and work is scheduled to start on the building phase of replacing the White Bridge on the Millennium Green in September.
The first job will be to build a stone “riffle”, a mound of stones within the channel of the New Reach. This will replace the sluice that sits under White Bridge and keeps the water level up above the bridge. The riffle will allow fish and eels to pass upstream, which the current sluice doesn’t. The final job will be doing the footings and bringing in the new bridge.
This will mean that between September and early December there will be a lot of materials stored on the Green in various places, a fair bit of machinery movement and a lot of activity at the bridge site. Materials may be coming in both from Quay Street and from the Blyth Road Industrial Estate and clearly there will be disturbance of the ground which could look a mess for a while. The contractors will take as much care as possible and nature has a great power of recovery, the great thing is that the new bridge is on its way.
The Green has an active and cheerful volunteer body helping with work-parties, planning events, keeping on top of the finance, running the special projects that crop up. Come and be part of it all. Have a browse on www.millenniumgreen.halesworth.net and contact the Green at thegreen@halesworth.net