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Woodbridge Museum – 1910 Woodbridge Regatta

The volunteers in the Collections Team at Woodbridge Museum have spent most of 2023 carrying out an inventory of all the myriad items held by the museum, to check that each is correctly catalogued, photographed, and if not on display, properly stored.  We are currently working on the photographs and postcards of which there are some 2000 so it is a mammoth task. During this process we have found some fascinating photographs of past Woodbridge events. This photograph is labelled as being of Woodbridge Regatta in 1910. Note every adult is wearing a hat as are most of the children. How times have changed!

Woodbridge Museum has now moved to Winter Opening Hours and will be open, subject to availability of our wonderful volunteer stewards, on Saturday & Sunday 10.30am to 3.30pm.

Entry is free but donations are much appreciated. We have a wide range of gifts and cards available for sale so do come and have a look.