Hoppa Helps Halesworth Celebrate 800 years.
During the 40 plus years of its existence the Hoppa has been called upon many times to serve the local Community in different ways. Apart from regular scheduled services there are many community hires taking local groups far and wide in pursuit of their interests. During the Covid pandemic we ferried people to and from vaccine centres and we helped run a local shopping service during the dark days of the lockdowns. And on Saturday 2nd September we had one of our busiest days for a long time when we helped Halesworth celebrate the 800th Anniversary of receiving its town charter.
With the Town’s Birthday programme running from 10:00 until 15:00 in Market Place and events being held across the town in Halesworth Park, the Memorial Garden and the Thoroughfare the Hoppa was pleased to run a shuttle service ferrying people from the old middle school site at Harrisons Lane to Halesworth Town centre. Starting at 9.30 and carrying on through to 16.30 the Hoppa ferried 120+ people to and from the town centre, and found the bus used not only by members of the public who wanted to join in the fun, but also some of the exotically dressed cast of the various events being held around town.
At the same time, we continued to offer our regular Saturday morning service collecting people from around Halesworth and Holton to go shopping, meet friends for a coffee or visit relatives.
With so much happening on one day we needed several drivers to meet the demand and we’re pleased to say our team willingly stepped up to help make sure that Halesworth Town’s 800th Birthday Celebration was a great success.
To find out more about hiring or driving the Hoppa, please contact the office at Halesworth Area Community Transport, Railway Station, Station Road, Halesworth, Suffolk IP19 8BZ. Tel: 01986 875900. Email: office@hactbus.co.uk. Website: www.hactbus.co.uk.
And finally, remember that even though the Hoppa is a regular bus service for all, passengers can phone ahead and request a pick-up or drop-off if they have problems getting to the usual route. We may not be able to meet all requests, according to the time required, or distance from the normal route, but we will do our best.
Photo : Cast members getting ready to join Halesworth’s 800th Birthday Party.